From animation of reading to animation of culture

Kultura Współczesna. Teoria, Interpretacje, Praktyka
nr 2(86)/2015
From animation of reading to animation of culture

Table of contents


Roman Chymkowski

From animation of reading to animation of culture

Weronika Parfianowicz-Vertun

About those who “do not read so that others could”. “Non-reading” discourse in discussions regarding the readership and the programmes, the aim of which is to promote reading

Maja Chacińska

Nordic States and their public libraries – good practice in readership building

Joanna Cieloch-Niewiadomska

Non-reading school

Michał Chlebicki

Public libraries – capsules of time

Magdalena Łokieć

How can one begin his life with a book? The First Book For My Child – promotion of books among the youngest in other countries



From editorial office

Izabella Bukraba-Rylska

Contemporary humanities: from hermeneutic “understanding” to somatic “experiencing”

Krzysztof Moraczewski

Contemporary humanities

Aleksandra Derra

Laboratory of thought of the contemporary humanities. Referring to the articlee by Izabella Bukraba-Rylska

Izabela Bukraba-Rylska

Response to the comments



Iwona Gródź

Analog and digital – case of art by Zbigniew Rybczyński

Marta Zimniak-Hałajko

Movement – in the heart of the system. Occupation and outrage - communication strategies of the Polish Movement of the Outraged

Przemysław Czapliński

North-South Axis. Performative map with an “unbeneficial geographical location of the ‘let’s start the fight’ Poland”



Wojciech Jaracz

Internet memes as a key to understand the cyber-culture

Marek Wołyński

Connecting science and art. Book review – Patricia Leavy’s Method Meets Art: Art-Based Research Practice

Piotr Zańko

Raperzy kontra filomaci [Rappers vs. Filomates] and Antologia polskiego rapu [Anthology of the Polish Rap]

Paweł Konar

Tough hip-hop tales

From animation of reading to animation of culture

The article covers an excerpt of the discussions covering the issue of reading – a set of statements, which gained the working name of “non-reading discourses”, discourses in case of which the level of reading is low, and not only is this a primary problem – “non-reading” additionally constitutes the core rhetorical figure of the statement. The article tries to answer the questions pertaining the cultural involvement within the “non-reading majority” discourse. Secondly, the text examines the manifestation of social inequality and class divisions expressed through that discourse. The author also discusses the status of reading in the discourse, and its impact on effectiveness and reach of the initiatives, the aim of which is to promote reading.

Scandinavia countries have very good high readership numbers and more regular readers compared to Poland, for example in Poland in 2012 the number of regular readers was 11%, while in Sweden it was almost 40%. As there are still groups where readership is weaker (e.g. boys and men) and book readership in general decreases even in Scandinavia, the governments of these countries support readership-building activities assigning special funds, which libraries, municipalities and non-governmental or social organisations can use for projects. The purpose of the article is to analyse how the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish states support readership and how the funds are used by public libraries and NGOs. The article will also explore the system of the libraries and some cultural and historical factors explaining high readership numbers in Scandinavia.

The article presents the relationships between the fact that the Poles do not read a lot and the way in which reading and literature are presented at schools, resulting from the basic teaching curriculum utilized when teaching Polish as the native tongue. By using, inter alia, sociological and psychological research, along with analogous documents from the European countries, the article is able to showcase the wide context of the non-reading phenomenon (selection of compulsory readings, interpretation), benefits stemming from reading and the suggestions related to the teaching curriculum in order to transform the Polish classes into workshops, the aim of which would be to teach the students to read for their pleasure.

The present article presents and analyses one of the initiatives undertaken by the ABC XXI Foundation - Cała Polska Czyta Dzieciom [All Poles Read for Their Children]: “Pierwsza Książka Mojego Dziecka” [My Child’s First Book], and the distribution programme related to the newborns. This initiative is compared with its foreign counterpart – the British Bookstart Programme and its international varieties. The comparison of these initiatives makes it possible, both within the scope of idea, as well as within the scope of organization, to draw conclusions pertaining the assumptions and goals related to the presented forms of promotion of books and reading, among the youngest readers.

The late-modern society views the libraries mainly as the culture-access points or as the modern technology centers. The libraries also play a role of a location where the local communities meet up. From the point of view of the condition of the individuals in the late modernity, the libraries viewed as a time-capsule may have a key value here. This concept suggests that a library is a place where the information pertaining the local history and local heritage is being collected. Thus, a library constitutes an important link in construction of the local identity, because it offers a possibility for the individuals to have their roots deeply embedded within the local community.

Humanities today – discussion of the editing team

Contemporary humanities are on the verge of change of its paradigm. From a science the aim of which is to interpret the culture, it is to be transformed into a research discipline studying the way in which culture is experienced. Thus, the hermeneutic rules will have to be replaced by the assumptions which look for the sources of cognition not in awareness but in the corporeality of the human beings. “Physical”, not “mental” meanings would be treated as the objects of cognition – thanks to that the neo-naturalism may become the mainstream of the humanities, meaning that the neo-positivism would be questioned.

Cultural studies worshops

The article covers the changes in perception of the cinematic art, depending on the type of the medium used to carry the content. The work also discusses the general differences between analogue and digital character of the movies. Treaty on image [Traktat o obrazie] constitutes one of the examples of approach to these revaluations – it is a specific manifest issued by the Polish Oscar winner, who won the statuette for his short movie – Zbigniew Rybczyński.

The article is dedicated to anthropological presentation of the history of Indignants Movement in Poland (autumn 2011 – summer 2013). The author, being a researcher of social movements since more than ten years, presents the entire history of most active in Poland Warsaw Indignants Movement group, that was explored using participant observation method. The history of the movement – a rather brief sequence of spontaneous urban events and communication activities – is shown in a broader social context. The article focuses on the origins of movement, its social outcomes (both institutional and discoursive) and place among other social movements in Poland. The author identifies a variety of roles the Indignants Movement: integrative, cognitive, symbolic and socializing ones. A special attention is paid to social strategies of occupation and expression of emotions. For evaluation of efficiency of these strategies the author refers to theories of social communication and emotional labor. The current analysis of Indignants Movement allows to pose the question about political dimensions of alternative concepts of space, time and participation (or refusal of the latter).

The essay presents the process within which the North-South axis is created in the Polish cultural imagination, described on the basis of the literature of the last quarter of the Century (1986-2014). The new axis’ function is to create an alternative way of thinking about Poland, in the East-West layout. The traditional horizontal axis limits the discourse of imagination down to fear from the East and the urge to follow the Western trend, while reorientation of the map towards North poses a challenge for Poles - they need to create their own modernity.


Russell Frank, Newslore: Contemporary folklore on the Internet, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson 2011.

Patricia Leavy, Method Meets Art: Art-Based Research Practice, The Guilford Press, New York 2015.

Tomasz Kukołowicz, Raperzy kontra filomaci, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2014.

Dominika Węcławek, Marcin Flinta, Tomasz Kleyff, Andrzej Cała, Kamil Jaczyński, Antologia polskiego rapu, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2014.

Dominika Węcławek, Marcin Flinta, Tomasz Kleyff, Andrzej Cała, Kamil Jaczyński, Antologia polskiego rapu, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2014.

Hip-hop w Polsce: od blokowisk do kultury popularnej, red. Miłosz Miszczyński, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2014.

Tomasz Kukołowicz, Raperzy kontra filomaci, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2014.